In this episode of "The Make Room Show," host Jennifer Ford Berry takes listeners on a journey of change, self-reflection, and purposeful living. The show, formerly titled "The 29 Minute Mom," has undergone a rebranding as Jennifer shares insights into her personal and professional...
Preparing For College
Sending our kids off to college is not always easy. It is hard to let our babies go!
But it is so powerful because it can really help your child grow into their best self.
Today is an episode I have wanted to do for a very long time! My guest is one of my most...
Preparing For College
Sending our kids off to college is not always easy. It is hard to let our babies go!
But it is so powerful because it can really help your child grow into their best self.
Today is an episode I have wanted to do for a very long time! My guest...
Today's episode is all about easy ways for us to bring more Jesus into Christmas. I know you will probably be listening to this episode in the middle of the busy Christmas season. The to-do lists are long and we can all easily get overwhelmed. But my hope is that this...
Ladies this is a fantastic show to help you cultivate healthy relationships in your life. Whether it be a friend a coworker or a family member our guest Dr. L Carol Scott is here to give us advice on navigating ALL types of relationships. This episode will empower you to ask for what...
My guest today shares his near-death experience with us and how it increased his faith and gave him a closer look at God. Like many believers, Jeremy Downs was done with empty religion and heard-them-before “motivational speaking” sermons. He wanted to experience a spirituality that...
As women, it seems like we are busier and have more on our plates than ever before! No wonder the number one thing I hear from women is "I am so overwhelmed!" If you want to learn how to feel less overwhelmed you will want to listen to this episode. Coach Kamini Wood of...
I was sent this product to review over 8 years ago and I have loved it ever since. My...
This episode is for all of you ladies that own your own business! If you are ready to learn how to scale your small business you will want to grab a notepad and take notes during this episode!
My guest Lindsay Pinchuk has learned how to scale a small business all the way to...
Deborah Conrad, is back on the show today to give us a covid vaccine update. Deborah is the whistleblower that came on the show last year. If you haven't listened to episode 100 be sure to check it out now when she tells us her story about getting fired after over 20 years in the...
This episode is all about how to create a vision for your life. If you can not visualize your endpoint, how will you know how to get there, and how will you know when you have arrived?
When was the last time you gave yourself permission to daydream about your life? When I was a...
Hi there ladies! I hope everyone is doing well and that you have all gotten back into the swing of things with your kids back to school and a new season. There is so much going on. I know that over here it has been a time of reset for my business after a crazy summer of...