

Create Your Family Mission Statement family

Companies create mission statements to keep them on track with their goals, to let others know why they are, and to help them measure their success.  If you create a family mission statement you will give your family clarity and direction.
We take the time to set goals for our...
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111 | A Life Coaching Session with Amberly Deavours accountability life coaching organizing coach

Christian life coach Amberly Deavours is with us today talking about all things to do with life coaching, and what it's like to work with a life coach. Coaching is an amazing resource we all have at our fingertips these days. You can find a coach to help you with just about anything! One of the...

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110 | Improve Your Ability to Focus

Learning how to increase your ability to focus will help you become a more productive human being. We all have times when we find it difficult to focus. It’s easy to let our minds wander, but if we used this as an excuse every day we would never get anything done or reach our goals! So...

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109 | Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Progress

Stop making excuses and start making progress toward a life that you would be proud of living!  Many people complain about the life they have and what they don't like but they never make progress toward changing it.  You have the power to choose differently at any moment!  If you...

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My Interview on the Organized and Energized Podcast

organized and energized

I was recently a guest on the Organized & Energized Podcast with Kathi Burns.  It was great to talk with a fellow organizer that has been in this business as long as I have.  Click the photo below to listen.


Kathi Burns  0:04
Hi there, I'm board-certified professional...

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108 | How to Navigate Grief with Krista St-Germain depression grief life coaching motherhood trauma widow

Learning how to navigate grief is never easy.  But it is so important to learn how.  There are many stages of grief and ways to get through them.  Our guest today, Krista St-Germain has become an expert on grief after her husband was killed by a drunk driver.  She...

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107 | Habits for Families with Justin Whitmel Earley

We become our habits, and our kids become us. This is why habits for families are so important and probably the most spiritually formative thing parents do.   Luckily our guest Justin Whitmel is here to explain how we can create healthy routines and habits as a family.  He has...

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106 | 5 Steps for Stellar Time Management organization productivity time management

The new year is a great time to become productive with your time by learning these stellar time management skills. Jennifer shares the 5 steps she uses every day to stay productive with her time!  You may want to grab a pen and paper for this one so that you can take notes.



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105 | Organizing Coach in the Created Order Neighborhood

The brand new Created Order Online Neighborhood is my new online neighborhood of friends who want to create a life of order and purpose and I want to invite you to move in today!


For the past two decades, I have been helping people get their homes and their lives organized so that they...

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Embolden with Amy Debrucque author podcast


Today's guest is Amy DeBrucque is talking about her new book: Embolden.  Embolden means to give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something or behave in a certain way.  Amy and her daughter decided to write this book together to encourage other women.  This episode,...

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103 | Making Others Happy is Making Your Miserable with Karen Ehman

Are you overwhelmed by others' unrealistic expectations of you? Do you feel torn in dozens of directions as you try to make everyone around you happy? If you're ready to end the cycle of approval-seeking, New York Times bestselling author and recovering people pleaser Karen Ehman is here to...

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EPISODE 101: How to Create a Non Toxic Bedroom with Deborah DiMare

Today's show is all about how to create a non-toxic bedroom.  Our guest Deborah DiMare is a vegan designer on a mission!  A mission to use 100% cruelty-free design options and specialize in the creation of organic, optimal spaces, and sourcing vegan textiles and sustainable furniture...

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