Your Enneagram Can Determine Your Organizing Habits with Laurie Palau (Ep 152) clutter communication effective communication enneagrams laurie palau organization

In this episode of the Make Room Podcast with Jennifer Ford Berry, we discuss the fascinating world of Enneagram Personality Types and how they can affect your organizing habits with guest Laurie Palau. If you're someone who struggles to keep your space tidy and organized, or you're...

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Simple Meal Prep for the Busy Woman (Ep 130) kitchen organization meal prepping organization pantry organization scheduling

Hi Moms!!! Today I am tackling MEAL PREP!  I know this is not everyone’s favorite topic, but it is a very important one that, using the tips I talk about in this episode, might make it not be so bad after all! 

I know you are all so busy, so I am all about keeping it SIMPLE. ...

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New Money Narrative to Achieve Financial Independence (Ep 128) budgeting clutter finances financial independence organization

If you want to get your money organized, learn how to save money, and invest it properly, you are in the right place!  Today my guest, Brit Williams Baker of Dow Janes, will be discussing how to achieve financial independence.

My new book, Make Room, talks about how when you get organized...

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5 Steps for Stellar Time Management (Ep 106) new year organization productivity time management

The New Year is here, and I can’t wait to make the most of it. Last year wasn’t terrible, but like many of you, I’m ready for a fresh start. I’ve been reflecting, setting goals, and thinking about how to stay on track. If you’re also looking to organize your...

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Easy Steps to Declutter Your Child's Bedroom clutter free kids organization organization

“You should clean up your room when your mom says you have to”. –Bryceton Berry age 5

Organize A Child’s Bedroom

Beginning to organize a child's bedroom can be difficult and even more difficult to keep it that way. But it is extremely important to teach children the...

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Tips For Shopping and Selling at a Consignment Sale consignment consignor declutter mothertime marketplace organization

In this episode, Jennifer discusses the benefits of shopping at or selling with your local semi-annual consignment sale and how these sales can declutter your life.

Episode Talking Points:

  • Why Jennifer fell in love with consignment.
  • Semi-annual consignment sales: what are they and how do they...
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