155 | Navigating Seasons in Motherhood w/ Lori Beth Auldridge, Amy Debrucque and Becky Kopitzke

Welcome to The Make Room Show, the podcast where we help you make room for what matters in your life. I'm your host, Jennifer Ford Berry, a professional organizer with years of experience in helping families simplify their homes and create space for the things that truly matter.
In this episode, we are joined by three amazing speakers and hosts of our upcoming Focus Retreat! Lori Beth Auldridge, Amy Debrucque, and Becky Kopitzke, and I talk about the importance of making room for motherhood. We discuss how simplifying your schedule and possessions can create more time and space for meaningful connections with your family. We also touch on the power of saying no to commitments that don't align with your values and priorities.
Each of our guests shares their unique perspective on motherhood based on their background and culture. Lori Beth talks about the importance of hospitality in Southern culture, while Becky emphasizes the value of hard work and a strong work ethic from growing up in the Midwest. Amy shares how her multicultural background has influenced her approach to motherhood and the importance of diversity.
As a professional organizer, I also provide my own insights and tips on how to create a home and a life that supports and nurtures your family. I discuss the importance of decluttering and organizing your space to create a more peaceful and functional home, as well as the power of delegating tasks and asking for help when needed.
We wrap up the episode with some valuable advice for new moms and those struggling to make room for motherhood in their lives. We discuss the importance of not comparing yourself to others, trusting your instincts, and taking care of yourself.
As a professional organizer with a passion for helping families create space for what matters, I am excited to share this episode with you. Whether you are a new mom or have been in the game for a while, there is something in this episode for everyone. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy this inspiring conversation on making room for motherhood.
The FOCUS Retreat is a rejuvenating and private getaway...
Exclusively for women juggling multiple roles: business owner, content creator, household coordinator, wife, mom, daughter, friend… Jesus girl with an overflowing plate and a heart that desires peace, solidarity, authentic community, and encouragement.
You’ll link arms with an intimate group of colleagues (we're saving space for 40 to 70 women only) and four experienced coaches in four specific areas of expertise—family, organization, confidence, and business strategy—for two days of inspiring workshops, heart to heart networking, and plenty of time and space to rest or play on your own schedule.
In Person: At the landmark Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill in Harrodsburg, Kentucky, just outside of Lexington
Dates: Sept. 27-29, 2023
Register: FOCUS Retreat Registration (jenniferfordberry.com)
Lori Beth is the creator and host of the Elevating Motherhood podcast and teacher of the online course Homeschool Explained. She and her husband Chris recently moved their family to Idaho after almost 20 years on Maui and together they homeschool their children, run a construction business, and road trip as often as they can. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication for the Child and master's degrees in both Children’s Literature and Creative Writing for Children. Lori Beth is passionate about helping moms find their confidence through creative resources while encouraging them to trust their intuition and embrace life long learning.
Where to find Lori Beth
Becky Kopitzke is a multi-published and founder of The Inspired Business, a coaching hub dedicated to helping Christian writers, speakers, and other content creators monetize their passion work in order to keep it sustainable. Becky’s sweet spot is in digital product sales funnels, an ideal method for growing and serving an audience while increasing your household income. She is a three-time repeat guest on Focus on the Family's Daily Broadcast and the host of The Inspired Business Podcast. Becky and her husband Chad live the crazy blessed life from home offices in northeast Wisconsin, where they share precious space with their two teen daughters, tables stacked with homework, and two devoted office dogs. Beyond work and family, Becky's second home is her church, where she leads women’s Bible studies, sings on the worship team, and is a regularly featured speaker for special events.
Where to find Becky
Amy is the host of Life On Purpose Podcast and creator of the Confidence Course, a program designed to help women rebuild their self-esteem and take ownership of their relationships and life goals. As a wife, mother, confidence coach, author, cancer survivor, and encourager, Amy is committed to her faith in God, which gives her the courage to be intentional in all areas of her life. She released her first book, Embolden, in 2021, reminding women that although fear is normal, courage gets the final say. Her work has been featured in numerous magazines, podcasts, and online media outlets including ThriveGlobal, Womenencouraged.com, InDependent, DisplayingGrace, ForEveryMom, YourTango, Today Parenting, and Darling Magazine.
Where to find Amy
Jennifer is the host of the Making Room podcast (formerly The 29 Minute Mom podcast) and the founder of the Created Order Neighborhood, an online community of women who want to live a life of order and purpose. She is the author of five books, including the Organize Now! series and her latest, Make Room. Jennifer was previously the regular organizing expert on the TV show Winging It, Buffalo Style. , and has appeared as a guest expert on several television and radio shows, as well as in national magazines and newspapers. Jennifer lives in western New York with her husband and two children. She works both hands-on and virtually with her clients to help them eliminate clutter and live their dreams.
Where to find Jennifer