The Energy of Clutter: How Your Space Affects Your Well-Being declutter energy energy work holding tank method mental clutter the clutter test

In this insightful episode, host Jennifer Ford Berry explores the fascinating world of energy work and its profound impact on daily life. Energy work is portrayed as a transformative practice that delves into the intricate interplay of energies, encompassing thoughts, emotions, and physical...

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How to Clear Mental Clutter mental clutter self care

Mental clutter can take a toll on your life and your ability to reach your highest potential. It can also make it hard to focus for more than a few minutes at a time. Getting organized is one of the best things you can do to relieve stress, worry, and anxiety.

Are you interested in finally...

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How to Clear Mental Clutter and Live Your Best Life (Ep 148) mental clutter mental health

Welcome back, everyone!

I hope you’re having a wonderful week and steadily working towards clearing the clutter from your life. Today, we’re diving into a form of clutter that’s often overlooked yet incredibly impactful—mental clutter. This episode is dedicated to a...

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How to Organize After a Death (Ep 113) death home organization mental clutter

Today, Jennifer talks about organizing after a death. This may be the hardest job you ever have to do. If organizing is tough for you, coupling this task with grief can make it feel insurmountable.

As an organizing coach, I have had the experience of doing this for many people and I can tell you...

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Fear Not: Choosing Faith Over Fear (Ep 99) faith mental clutter podcast

Fear not...something I keep telling myself over and over lately.  Are you in the same boat?  I would love to know.  So many people are feeling worried, fearful, and full of anxiety.  But we still have to remember all of the reasons why God says "Fear Not".  I hope this...

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Raising Mentally Healthy Kids with Michelle Nietert mental clutter mental health motherhood parenting tips

My guest today, Michelle Nietert, will really inspire and equip you to be the type of mom who is raising mentally healthy kids!  Our conversation gets deep as we share our own struggles as mothers and how we overcame them.  This pandemic has really taken a toll on our children and it is...

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Transform Your Mind & Space: Mental Clarity & Organizing Secrets created order conference mental clutter organizing

In this special blog post, we make two insightful and transformative videos from the upcoming Created Order Conference, offering a blend of mental strength and organizational wisdom. Holly is energizing with her session "Choosing to Stand," where she shares her journey and strategies for...

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