How to Navigate Grief with Krista St-Germain (Ep 108) depression grief life coaching motherhood trauma widow

Learning how to navigate grief is never easy.  But it is so important to learn how.  There are many stages of grief and ways to get through them.  Our guest today, Krista St-Germain has become an expert on grief after her husband was killed by a drunk driver.  She...

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Raising Mentally Healthy Kids with Michelle Nietert mental clutter mental health motherhood parenting tips

My guest today, Michelle Nietert, will really inspire and equip you to be the type of mom who is raising mentally healthy kids!  Our conversation gets deep as we share our own struggles as mothers and how we overcame them.  This pandemic has really taken a toll on our children and it is...

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Mom Life Balance with Coach Susan Stutzel (Ep 96) female business owners motherhood working moms

Show Notes:

  1. Introduction to the Show

    • Jennifer emphasizes the importance of maximizing every minute as a busy mom.
    • Introduction of guest Susan S., a leadership coach focused on helping women stop self-sabotage.
  2. Susan's Journey

    • Inspired by influential women in her life from an early age.
    • ...
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Mom Set Free with Jeannie Cunnion (Ep 91) author motherhood

 At times, moms can feel like the weight of the world is sitting on our shoulders as we raise our kids. Some days we have it together, and others, we feel like we are losing control. If this sounds like you, you're not alone, and our guest today, Jeannie Cunnion, wants us to share her wisdom...

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Life-Schooling and Curiosity with Lori Beth Auldridge of Elevating Motherhood (Ep 90) motherhood parenting tips

In a world where unlimited information is constantly at your fingertips, many people have lost their curiosity about life. The places we go, the things we do, and even the people we love. Today, our guest, Lori Beth Auldridge, explains how she integrates life-schooling with her family and how...

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Stop Being an Angry Mom with Natalie Hixson (Ep 84) motherhood parenting

Do you want to know how to stop being an angry mom?  In a year where nothing went as planned, we all might be dealing with extra stress, anxiety, and destructive anger. Beyond the past year, these things creep into our everyday life; from the terrible two tantrums that seem to pop up too...

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When Partners Become Parents with Catharine O'Brien (Ep 85) author motherhood parenting

Adding a new baby can completely change the dynamic of a relationship. Even though the nursery is complete and the car seat is installed, nothing can quite prepare you for the drastic changes that come with adding another member to the family. These changes can be minor and easy to overcome, but...

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Love Your Teen Daughter Well with Kari Kampakis (Ep 79) author motherhood parenting

The journey of parenting teenage daughters can have its ups and downs. When you think you have it figured out, the relationship changes, the challenges change, and you have to adjust. Today, Jennifer interviews Kari Kampakis about her book “Love Her Well,” discussing parenting teenage...

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How to Thrive as a Mom with Andra Erickson (Ep 78) andra erickson moms motherhood


Becoming a mom, especially of multiples, can completely change your life, but it doesn't have to be why you don't continue to chase your dreams. Today Jennifer welcomes Andra Erickson, busy mom and coach. She helps to empower moms to understand more about the challenges they face and the...

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Peaceful Parenting with Marielle Melling (Ep 72) motherhood parenting parenting tips

The hardest part of parenting frequently has nothing to do with the kids. When you're juggling work, school, home, and family, it can quickly become overwhelming. Finding calm amongst the chaos may seem like a never-ending, uphill battle. Not the case, according to today's guest, Marielle...

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Homeschooling and Gratitude with Autumn McKay (Ep 68) gratitude homeschooling motherhood

Hey moms, are you new to this whole "kids doing school at home" thing?  I know I am!  My guest, Autumn McKay, has been doing this for awhile AND she has a ton of products that will help your children learn!.  In this episode, Autumn shares her tips and tricks for teaching kids at...

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Handling Kids AND Work During COVID-19 with Molly Stillman (Ep 67) covid motherhood podcast

Let's face it 2020 has been REALLY tough on us working moms.  Have you felt like pulling your hair out while stuck at home?  Have you questioned your purpose this year?  Does your purpose still fit you or have you decided to pivot?  My guest, Molly Stillman, shares the ideas...

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