Win Over Worry with Keri Eichberger faith family fear god healthy relationships inner joy obedience overcoming worry spirituality worry


In this episode of "The Make Room Show," host Jennifer welcomes special guest Keri Eichberger, author of the book "Win Over Worry." Together, we explore the topic of worry and its impact on women's lives. Jennifer shares her personal experience with worry, particularly related to her...

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160 | Better Than Okay: Brandi Wilson's Story of Hope & Healing church divorce god grief healing home house kids lonely marriage married motherhood

Today on The Make Room Show we have a special guest, author Brandy Wilson. Author of "Better Than Okay: Finding Hope and Healing After Your Marriage Ends," she shares her personal journey of resilience and transformation. In this raw and honest conversation, Brandy opens up about the darkest time...

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Finding God in a Near Death Experience with Jeremy Downs (Ep 138) author death god jeremy downs

My guest today shares his near-death experience with us and how it increased his faith and gave him a closer look at God. Like many believers, Jeremy Downs was done with empty religion and heard-them-before “motivational speaking” sermons. He wanted to experience a spirituality that...

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