Summer Bucket List Tips

I absolutely love the summertime. Here in New York, we make every minute of summer count after our long, restful winters! A summer bucket list is a perfect plan to get the most out of your summer and your time with family and friends. But the key is to start early and plan ahead. Here are some tips to help you kick off your summer:
1. Research events and activities in your area.
Every year I start off the summer by searching online for fun events that are taking place in our area over the summer. You can do this by googling "events in (your city)" or "events in (your zip code). You can also search for events on Facebook. If you find an event you like and click "interested" Facebook will automatically save that event in your Facebook account.
2. Have a family meeting.
Sit down as a family and discuss how each of you would like to spend your summer. What do you want to do for fun? Do you have any personal goals or projects to work on? What would you NOT like to do this summer? Are there any areas you would like to visit? Any specific people you want to spend time with?
3. Talk to your friends about ideas.
After you have a clear idea about the ways your family wants to spend summer, talk with some friends. Find out what their plans are. If you want to make sure you spend time with these friends get some dates on the calendar now. Otherwise, the chances of getting together will become less and less because dates will fill up.
4. Compile a list.
You can simply write out a list on a piece of paper or on your phone. Or you can make this a fun activity by creating a summer vision board. All you will need is a big piece of poster board and some magazines or images printed off your computer. Paste the imagines onto the poster board and hang it where your family will see it every day. This will remind you to have fun and enjoy each day during the summer.
5. Break large projects or goals into smaller tasks.
If you leave a large project on your list such as "clean out the basement" it will seem very overwhelming. You will be much more productive if you break a large project up into smaller tasks such as 1) sort and purge holiday decorations, 2) sort 4 bins per week, 3) donate one carload per month, etc.
6. Grab a calendar and schedule time for each activity.
You will want to take the initiative of scheduling time for your summer bucket list before something else eats up your time this summer. Make your bucket list your priority by getting dates down on the calendar now. This may mean deciding to say no to other things which will be easier if you have the excuse of "sorry we already have something going on that day".
Some Summer Bucket List Suggestions:
1. Picnic on the beach
2. Drive-in movies
3. Lay on a blanket under the stars
4. Try an escape room as a family
5. Hike a different path every week
6. Tour ice cream parlors in your area
7. Attend story time at the library
8. Tour dog parks with your furry friend
9. Visit an IMAX theater
10. Smores party
11. Catch fireflies in a glass jar
12. Have a water balloon fight
13. Go berry picking
14. Go to a parade
15. Make homemade jam
16. Lay on a blanket under the stars
17. Go to a water park
18. Host a board game night on the porch
19. Go fishing
20. Set up a slip and slide
21. Go to the beach
22. Backyard water games
23. Go to a baseball game
24. Visit the zoo
25. Play a whiffle ball game
26. Go on a family bike ride
27. Go watch fireworks
28. Mail a letter or a package to someone who is deployed
29. Bury a time capsule in the backyard
30. Go bird watching
31. Make homemade popsicles
32. Clean out the toys
33. Take a road trip
34. Get together with people you haven't seen
35. Deliver flowers to a Grandmother
36. Attend a kids workshop at Home Depot or Lowe’s
37. Outdoor movie night
38. Visit a local fair or carnival
39. Play mini golf
40. Try out different smoothies made with fresh fruit
41. Plant a vegetable garden
42. Repaint the lawn furniture
43. Fly a kite
44. Decorate flower pots
45. Do a fun science project
46. Go to the local farmer's market
47. Go to yard sales
48. Attend an educational event or conference
49. Attend an outdoor concert
50. Make root beer floats
51. Swim at night
52. Visit the nature center
53. skip rocks in a river
54. Host an ice cream party
55. Go to a museum
56. Help a neighbor
57. Have a yard sale
58. Read ____ books
58. Have X amount of days to do nothing
58. Lay in a hammock all afternoon
59. Volunteer at a local non-profit organization
60. Run through the rain