Organize Now Challenge: Kids Toys and Games

kids organization organize now challenge

This month we are going to focus on toys and games in the Organize Now Challenge. f you have not already joined our Facebook community be sure to join today, it's free!  You can also follow along for organizing ideas on Instagram.  Please use #organizenowchallenge.  This month is not just for people with kids so listen to the video below.



Video Highlights:

 -Everything you own must have a home.

-Like things together.

-Eliminate anything you do not love or use.

-Consolidate all of your toys into one or two areas in your home.  Same goes for games.

-Decide what you are going to do with the toys and games that you are getting rid of.

-If you want to donate them do a quick Google search in your area to find organizations that are looking for toy donations.

-We would love for you to share which organization you picked so we can add it to our Local Give directory!

-Start a toy rotation for the toys you are keeping.

-Storage tips for games.

-Do not live in the "someday".



Gather Up All Of Your:

  • Games: board games, card games
  • Video games
  • Toys

How the Challenge Works:

This will be a bigger project for some of you so if you have a lot of toys and games break this up into smaller steps.  If you are serious about getting this done I encourage you to get out your calendar and schedule blocks of time for this project.



*Broken toys

*Toys or games with missing pieces

*Toys or games that your family has outgrown

*Toys or games that your family does not use


Consolidate any products that are the same or similar.  Consolidating all like items together into one space makes a more organized home.  So keep games in one main area and swap out the rest.  Toys should be limited to a select group of areas as well.


Donate: give away the items your family does not like or will not use.  EVEN IF it was a gift.  It is not worth hanging onto toys and games that aren't being used just because someone gave them to you as a gift.

Local Give

To encourage people to donate the items they no longer love or use in their home we have launched Local Give as part of our ministry programs this year.  Our mission with Local Give it so clear the "clutter" from your home and put it into the hands of those that need it the most!  We have a list of non-profit organizations that need your help!  If you know of an organization that should be added to this directory PLEASE tell us about it so that we can help as many nonprofits as possible.


Organize the rest of your items in a way that will maximize use.  This is important because if you can't see what you have you won't use it.  I will be posting ideas on how to organize toys and games all month long on Instagram.

Do you need more help getting organized?  If so, here are some more resources for you:

  • Check out my book series Organize Now!  It is full of step-by-step checklists.
  • For visual ideas on how to organize your beauty products and other items follow me on Instagram and Facebook.  Don't forget to show off your organized products or your donate pile in a post with #organizenowchallenge so I can see your progress!
  • Are you interested in finally getting organized & don't even know where to start? Book a discovery call & let's uncover what could be standing in your way.

Power House 1:1 Coaching: I am proud of my journey and the person I have become, and I want every woman out there to experience this same level of empowerment. I want everyone to know that anything is possible if you're willing to work hard and never give up. That's why I've been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create a mentorship program that will help others find their own power and purpose through entrepreneurship. If you're looking for a mentor to guide you on your own journey, I want to work with you. More details here.

Let's Connect!

Have questions? I am passionate about helping others get their homes and their life organized and clutter-free so that they can focus on the people and the things that matter the most.


[email protected]

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