No More Perfect Marriages With Jill Savage

family marriage motherhood

Jill Savage, Author of No More Perfect Kids is back again to talk about her brand new book: No More Perfect Marriages.

Marriage is such an emotionally charged topic to discuss. During the years of a marriage, you can feel like you are on a wild roller coaster ride experiencing extreme highs and extreme lows with all sorts of dips and curves sprinkled in between.

In this episode, Jill shares with us her story of how her own marriage has survived an affair and come out on the other side stronger and capable of helping so many married couples survive the twists and turns of their own marriage.

Episode Talking Points

* The feelings that Jill experienced when first learning of her husband's affair

* How Jill fought to love someone that didn't love her back for awhile

* Why you can't "play in the ditches" when it comes to marriage

* Advice for anyone who is currently experiencing an affair

* Rebuilding Trust After An Affair (An article Jill wrote for Today's Christian Woman)

* How the Perfection Infection invades a marriage—even a good marriage

* How to detect and correct the Seven Slow Fades

* Internal and External Minimizers

* How to set and communicate realistic expectations

About Jill Savage

Jill Savage is an author and speaker who is passionate about encouraging families. She is the author or co-author of fourteen books including Professionalizing Motherhood, My Hearts At Home, Real Moms…Real JesusLiving With Less So Your Family Has More, No More Perfect Moms, No More Perfect Marriages (with her husband Mark)and her most recent release Empty Nest Full Life.

Featured on Focus on the Family, Crosswalk, Family Life Today, and Today’s Christian Woman magazine, Jill is the founder of Hearts at Home, an organization that encouraged moms from 1994-2017. Jill and her husband, Mark, have five children, three who are married, two granddaughters, and one grandson. They make their home in Normal, Illinois.

Power House 1:1 Coaching: I am proud of my journey and the person I have become, and I want every woman out there to experience this same level of empowerment. I want everyone to know that anything is possible if you're willing to work hard and never give up. That's why I've been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create a mentorship program that will help others find their own power and purpose through entrepreneurship. If you're looking for a mentor to guide you on your own journey, I want to work with you. More details here.

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About your host, Jennifer Ford Berry: Jennifer is the host of the Make Room podcast and the founder of the Created Order Neighborhood, an online community of women who want to live a life of order and purpose. She is the author of five books, including the Organize Now! series and her latest, Make Room. Jennifer was previously the regular organizing expert on the TV show Winging It, Buffalo Style. , and has appeared as a guest expert on several television and radio shows, as well as in national magazines and newspapers. Jennifer lives in western New York with her husband and two children. She works both hands-on and virtually with her clients to help them eliminate clutter and live their dreams.

Where to find Jennifer:






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