A Mom's Guide to Managing Toy Clutter

children clutter conquering overwhelm kids organization kids rooms motherhood storage toy organization toy rotation toys

Is toy clutter driving you crazy?  Do you have a handle on toy organization in your home or do you feel like the toys are taking over your home?

When your kids are small and it can feel like toys are swarming your house! All those dolls, cars, puzzles, games and don't even think about the number of stuffed animals you have in every nook and cranny. It is enough to make any mom feel like she is going to lose her mind. 

But wait! It doesn't have to feel like this!

Really? You say...

How is that even possible?

 Well, Jennifer Ford Berry, Life's Organization Expert will tell you how. Real tips from a real mom and a real professional organizer. In this podcast, she shares the secrets of taming the toys and why you shouldn't let toys get to you so much.

Episode Talking Points

* My feelings about toys that may surprise you!

*  Do your kids really need all of these toys or are you keeping too many?

*   Simple ways to get your kids involved in this process.

*  Too much is too overwhelming for your child.  Why less is more!

*  Toy rotation: how it works and why it works.

* Consolidate to 2 or 3 home for toys in your house.

*  Good and bad toy storage ideas.

*  Praise during pick up!

*  Final organizing tips for toys.

Are you interested in finally getting organized & don't even know where to start? Book a discovery call & let's uncover what could be standing in your way.

Our stuff takes up an incredible amount of our space, time, energy, and money. But do all these possessions truly make us happier? If you are ready to stop letting the stuff control your life… If you are ready to MAKE ROOM for the people and the things that matter the most… Sign up for the Make Room Masterclass.


Let's Connect!

Have questions? I am passionate about helping others get their homes and their life organized and clutter-free so that they can focus on the people and the things that matter the most.


[email protected]

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